Sunday, November 11, 2007

finally started my Autumn Rose!

I´ve been wanting to knit this sweater since I saw it on eunnys blog some time ago.

Unfortunately... I created myself a little problem. I didn´t swatch, as I´m normally right on gauge for nearly everything. So I just got started. After about 12cm I realized that the sweater was HUGE, and rechecked everything.
Ooops! I was using 3.5mm needles instead of 3mm as called for in the pattern. But the sweater was really huge, so I did a swatch with 2.5mm, which turned out to be perfect. Ripped the whole thing, restarted a size smaller on the thinner needles.

Et voila! I´m about 1cm into the 3stockinette-1purl edge at the bottom. A bit of a deja-vu, really...
Oh well, I´ll get there, and I´ll share some progress photos when I get a bit further.

By the way, living in Norway, I was a bit at a loss about how to get the yarn. She Ewe Knits in Canada solved the problem for me, and I´m very happy with the service :)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just in case there are other Norwegian knitters out there contemplating knitting an Autumn Rose, there is a retailer in Norway (Stavanger) who sells the Shetland Spindrift yarn.