Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Done!

I'm done. I love my sweater. I have received many compliaments. I wear it every chance I get.

I had a problem maintaining row gauge (too few rows) so I had to add the band of the sunrise/madder to the sleeves and the body. Too maintain the length of the yoke, I also added more rows of the medallion pattern . I did run out of yarn but it turned out to be ok. I was going to be short 8 decreases but I made up for it by making my last decreases during the body bind-0ff. For the neckband bind-off, I used a tubular bind-off which looks great but took FOREVER. My mods in general were to make the sleeves longer and raise the neckline. A note about the neckline is that because of my problems with row gauge, it isn't much higher than the pattern calls for. The fit is ok but if I were to redo this, I would start the shoulder decreases a inch sooner to shorten the armscye. My sweater wants to slip off the shoulders. I also notice that the back neck on mine scoops down a tad lower than I want. Otherwise, I love this.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Wow, that looks so beautiful!
Congrats :)