This KAL is a place for people to have fun while sharing the adventure of knitting a great sweater. So we don't want to seem bossy, but for this to remain a fun and enjoyable experience, it will help if we all abide by a few simple rules.
Rules for Knitters:1. Be nice.This should be obvious. But in case you need clarification: Don't insult people, their backgrounds, their religions, their knitting, their work, their ideas, their hometown, their photographic ability, or anything else. If we all respect each other and our differences, this will be a great KAL.
2. Even if you are just a knitter, not a retailer, please try to refrain from mentioning particular retailers by name in your posts and comments. We really want to avoid favoritism or free advertising and keep the focus on the knitting itself. If you know of a retailer who sells the materials for this project who does not appear on our list, please email us at
inlovewithautumnrose AT gmail DOT com and we will add them. You don't need to mention it yourself.
3. When you post, please don't steal bandwidth. If you are using a picture from another site or blog, please download it to your own computer first, and re-upload it to blogger. Don't just link directly to it.
4. Please do post! What will make this KAL fun, interesting, and informative for everyone is if we can inspire and help one another by showing our work, asking questions, answering them, and just generally keeping up each other's enthusiasm.
5. Have fun!!
Rules for Retailers:1. If you are a supplier of the book and yarn needed for this project, you can email us at
inlovewithautumnrose AT gmail DOT com, and we will add your name to our alphabetical list of retailers. If you have a special deal or discount to offer, please indicate that on your own website.
2. We will not advertise for any retailer beyond listing your name. You are responsible for keeping your website up-to-date with information about special offers, products, and ordering options.
3. If you are a retailer and also an individual knitter participant in the KAL, you may not at any time advertise your products when you post to the blog. If you do, you will not be allowed to participate in the KAL anymore, and your name will be removed from the list of retailers.
4. If we get enough participants to warrant holding one or more contests, and you choose to donate a prize, email us and we will mention who donated the prize in the post about the contest. You will also be mentioned on the Prize Page, along with all other prize donors, whether private or retail.
One final word:We can't anticipate every possible issue, so if something comes up that requires a new rule, we will add it here. Thanks for following the rules and making this an enjoyable experience for everyone!