Sunday, September 30, 2007
We've reached the armholes.
Which means that this piece gets to rest for a while now while I start the sleeves.
Of course, I haven't printed out my revised-to-fit-my-row-gauge sleeve schematic yet, so that's just a little . . . tricky . . . at the moment.
But, no matter! It feels really good to have gotten her this far. There's still a lot of work to do, but the main part of the body is such a huge chunk of it, it's very satisfying to have it done.
And I'm looking forward to how fast it's going to feel that the sleeves are going, compared to this, too . . .
Going surprisingly swimmingly
I gotta give a big thanks to Karen at Two Swans Yarns...she only had the old gold in the DK weight and suggested I might be able to get away with using it if I didn't feel like waiting for the Spindrift. It's been working out really well. I'll post a pic soon.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Stalking the postman
I can't wait for the mail to get here. I called a dozen places yesterday and was able to locate someone who had everything in stock! I ordered the kit immediately and I can't wait for the mail to get here :) Meanwhile, I'll just keep drooling over all of the lovely wip's. Knit on! And please post more pics. BTW...I've been checking out the cast on edges in the photos...does anyone have any suggestions for casting on for the corrugated ribbing? I have read that a firmer cast on is desired so as not to have the curling or "ruffly" look at the edge. Any ideas?
Flying Along
Monday, September 24, 2007
Just starting
Sunday, September 16, 2007
How to Put Up a Button on Your Blog
- Go to your blog dashboard, and click on "Template".
- Click on "Add a Page Element" and a window will pop-up, click on HTML/JavaScript.
- Add a new title, and on the blank spot, copy and paste this code (Replace "#" with "<" and "*" with ">"): #center*#a href="The Link of the KAL"*
#img border="0" src="The Picture Link"*#/a*#/center*#br/* - Viola! You now have a link with a button!
Another way to load the pictures is to upload them via picasa, flickr or photobucket, basically a photo website. When you load the picture, they usually give you a link and all you have to do is to copy and paste the link into the above code where it says "The Picture Link".
I hope this helps! And if someone knows a better way to put the button on a blog's side bar, please feel free to post about it!
Silver Lining
This isn't exactly a PROBLEM, per se, but it is definitely something that needs addressing. As in, obviously, I'm going to need to rework some thing. Like, say, the entire layout/chart of the sweater. And the sleeve, too.
On the plus side, it means the sweater's going to be done that much sooner, huh? I mean, a 23" sweater at 8 rows to an inch is 184 rows. But at only 6.25 rows to an inch, that's 144 rows, which means the whole thing will go faster.
Well, at least, it will once I've recalculated all the shaping on my handy-dandy excel chart....
And, no matter what the gauge, it sure is pretty . . .
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Autumn Rose Buttons?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
One Band Done
And, wow, this throw pillow is exactly the right color for modelling this . . . especially with the red chair in the background!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My colors
Monday, September 10, 2007
Off like a turtle...
Hi, everyone! I am finally getting around to my first ever post on my first KAL. I have been waiting for this sweater ever since Eunnie showed a glimpse on her blog. Here's my yarn and a teeny-tiny beginning to a swatch. Thanks to chappysmom for sending me her fabu chart. I modified it a bit for Calc, an open source program. If you don't have Excel, I'd be happy to send you the edited chart if you provide me with the cast-on counts for each size.
I am mixing a couple different yarns to try to save a little cash. We'll see how the gauge comes out, but I am pleased that the other yarn seems just a bit softer.
I did the mental math yesterday and figured out that in the medallion portion of the sweater there are 4 ends to work in for every three rows. Ugh. It'll be worth it, right?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Gauging Issues
Gosh . . . something like 9 rows into the pattern now . . . hoo-boy, this is just zipping along! (grin).
I need to take a closer look at my gauge, though. It seems tighter than it was in my swatch, and that, um, could definitely make a difference in, you know, being able to wear this later on. (At this rate, it will be much later.) But of course, since I DO want to wear it, I'd better make sure now rather than later, right? If I have to tear back to the ribbing to switch up to a bigger needle now, it's the loss of about a week's worth of knitting, but that's still much, much better than having to rip later.
Of course, the swatch was washed, which might have affected the gauge. The only problem is that I didn't bother to measure it before I washed it, so I don't know if it "bloomed" or not . . . and therefore, don't know if the sweater itself will stretch slightly upon washing, or not.
Anybody out there know off-hand whether Jamieson's Spindrift tends to grow, shrink, or stay the same size once it's washed?
Edited to add: Good news! I tranferred half the stitches to another circular and then tried the whole thing on . (Right now, it makes a lovely belt.) Luckily, it fits, so . . . we're good to go!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Making progress...
So far I'm loving it, I can't even believe I'm the one making this! For my first color work I think I'm doing pretty good. I made some major mistakes in the beginning but they are on the back and I'm too lazy to start over. I'm pretty sure no one else will notice anyway. I also mixed up my colors this time round. I ended up putting each combo in it's own bag a al chappysmom. I haven't decided if I'll continue in the incorrect colors or consider all of this the border and change back to the order from my swatch on the next repeat. I'll have to see how it looks after it's been topped by the blue checked stripe.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Soon but Not Yet
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Black and White charts
I usually convert my charts into strictly black/white -- get rid of all of the symbols or the coloured charts that are hard to tell when a shade changes - and do exactly what you see in the SS4 book -- black and white chart with columns to the right and mark out which shade is used in which hand on each row.
Background yarn in the right (white boxes) and pattern yarn (grey boxes) in the left. Then it struck me -- the columns on this chart are reversed -- the white boxes are the left column and the grey boxes are the right column.....could it be something this simple that has our brains confused? It's early, maybe this is just too easy a solution, but if I had recognized this before I knit Autumn Rose, I would have changed this to make it more knitter friendly (for me).
I also did use markers to identify where each repeat was....and marked the chart accordingly - it made it much easier.
Don't put a marker before your side seam purl stitch, just put one after it -- you'll feel the marker, pull your yarn to the front, purl the stitch, put the yarn to the back, slip the marker and continue knitting.
Like anything else, it takes a while for your hands, eyes and brain to all get coordinated when starting a new project.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Now it really begins
And yes, I'm well aware that I could take my excel sheet of the 1/4 and duplicate the other half . . . that, apparently, is too sensible. Although, speaking of my Excel chart--if you, like me, are having trouble with the dark squares being the light yarn and the light squares being the dark yarn, I've just changed it on the chart . . . It was driving me nuts.
Oh, and the "seam stitches" . . . The design has a faux seam stitch at the sides, which I think is a lovely touch, except they're made in the background color, which I carry in my right hand, and marked by stitch markers on either side . . . having to slip the stitch marker, pull my right-hand yarn into the front to be able to do a single purl stitch, wrangle the yarn to the back again and then slip the second stitch marker . . . this is driving me a bit crazy. I'm not sure what I want to do about it. I don't think it would look right in the foreground color. I don't want to just knit the stitch. I could certainly ditch one of the stitch markers, but . . . still, for me at least--a Continental-style knitter--two-handed color work with purl stitches from the right hand just does not work! I certainly do know how to purl with my right hand, but the juggling of both colors is frustrating. Not to mention throwing off my gauge and making the "seams" look sloppy. Clearly, I need to come up with a solution fast.... Suggestions? Commiserations?
Meanwhile, plugging onward...
--Deb in
Hello from a Kiwi in Scotland
Hello Peeps
Monday, September 3, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I have officially begun my Autumn Rose pullover but I guess mine is more of a summer tide than and Autumn Rose, LOL! It took me two days to do the 15 rows of corrugated ribbing. I sure am glad that's over. I've started working on the pattern using two hands with one color to either side of myself. Seems to be going a lot faster. I think it was the purl stitch in the ribbing that was really slowing me down.
So far the tension on the ribbing is looking pretty good. I'm hoping to keep that up as I move on to the body. Wish me luck!
ETA: Tension not going so well on the body stitches. For some reason I've gotten really loose. I'm going to put summer tide to the side for today while I look up some other two color knitting techniques. Maybe I should have chosen something a little less ambitious for my first time out *smile*